Last updated april 2024

Our commitment to you


This Privacy Policy describes how King Apps ("we," "our," or "King Apps") collects, uses, and shares personal information when you use our mobile applications ("Apps") that offer in-app purchases for iOS and Android operating systems.

Information collected

When you use our Apps, we may collect the following personal information:

identification information: We may collect personal identification information, such as name and email address, when you choose to provide us with such information, for example, when signing up for notifications or participating in promotions.
Usage Information: We may collect information about how you use our Apps, including information about accessed features, time spent on each feature, and interactions with advertisements and available content.
Payment information: When you make in-app purchases, we may collect payment information, such as credit card numbers or PayPal account details, necessary to process your transactions.
Device information: We may collect information about the device you use to access our Apps, including device model, operating system, unique device identifiers, and network information.

Use of information

We use the collected information for the following purposes:

Provide and maintain services: We use your information to operate, maintain, and improve our Apps, including processing your transactions and providing customer support.
Personalization: We use your information to personalize your experience when using our Apps, including recommending relevant content and features.
Communications: We may use your information to send commercial communications, such as newsletters and promotions, provided that you have consented to receive such communications.
Legal compliance: We may use your information to comply with legal obligations, such as responding to legal requests and court orders.

Sharing of information

We may share your personal information in the following circumstances:

With third parties: We may share your information with third-party service providers who assist us in operating our Apps, such as payment processors and data analytics providers.
With competent authorities: We may share your personal information when we believe in good faith that it is necessary to comply with legal obligations, protect our legal rights, or respond to legal proceedings.

Your rights and choices

You may exercise certain rights regarding your personal information, including the right to access, correct, update, or delete your information. You may also opt out of receiving commercial communications from us at any time.

Information security

We implement technical and organizational security measures to protect your personal information against unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction.

Changes to this privacy policy

We may update this Privacy Policy periodically, and any significant changes will be communicated through the Apps or other appropriate means.


If you have any questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy, please contact us at